Painted Mirror

This project was too cute not to share 😊 I needed a mirror for my room, but when I got to the store I didn’t like the color they had in stock, so I decided to customize it myself! I bought sky blue matte acrylic paint and shiny white acrylic paint at the craft store and got to work. The process was so much fun and I absolutely love how it turned out! 💙


  • Wall/door hanging mirror
  • Light blue acrylic paint
  • White acrylic paint
  • Large paintbrush
  • Small paintbrush
  • Painter’s tape

I made sure to put painter’s tape on the mirror so that I would paint only on the frame. I painted 3-4 coats of light blue paint, letting each dry before adding the next, and painted over each cloud twice so they would be bright white without the blue paint underneath showing through. It went so well and I really enjoyed making it!

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